If you wish to participate in the CORTICO days 2023, you have three options:
If you are already a member, simply edit your profile to fill in the fields concerning the CORTICO days 2023. It will only take you a few seconds! To modify your profile, follow the link then click on the gear on the right of the photo and ‘modify profile’. The information about the days is located at the bottom of the profile page.
If you are not a member but would like to become one, take advantage of it: the cost of membership is the same as the cost of participation in the days! To become a member, you just have to follow the procedure indicated on the FOLLOWING PAGE. After validation of your membership, you will be able to fill in the information concerning the CORTICO 2023 days as indicated above.
If you wish to participate in the CORTICO days without becoming a member (what an idea???), you can fill in the FOLLOWING FORM.
Whichever option you choose, we look forward to meeting you at the CORTICO days 2023!